I just barely got my tree and decorations up at the first of this week…ooops.
Just so you know I am usually the first person to put the tree up…usually before Thanksgiving, but somehow this year it didn’t happen until pretty much just now. Don’t ask me to explain why because I honestly can’t. But it is up and that is all that counts. I am a bit regretful that I didn’t just take a couple of hours earlier this month or last month to put it up because I could seriously sit here for hours looking at the pretty lights. Oh, and also, this is the first year that our house doesn’t look like a gingerbread house on the outside. We decided that it wasn’t worth Tyler risking his life…especially since he will be a daddy in a few short months.But, just because it took me this long to decorate doesn’t mean that I’m not excited for the holiday…I even went to what many of you would consider a “dorky” Christmas sing-along at the Energy Solutions Center with a couple of coworkers…..SO FUN!!!!!!!!!! Singing Christmas songs will definitely put you in the mood. I’ve actually been singing them since right after Halloween. I’m not kidding when I say, that it was the ONLY music on the radio that didn’t make me sick to my stomach in my first trimester. I am the type of person that loves pretty much all music, but it was the Christmas music that kept me from losing my lunch and kept those happy nutrients down for little baby Hodson to enjoy.
Ummmmm……..I don’t know what else to write, so here’s a way funny video that I'm sure a lot of you have seen (and ps I am not trying to advertise for Budweiser):
Now, to finish shopping......