Thursday, May 29, 2008

Always Grateful!

At times I can be a whiner and complain about things that to me at the moment are most important and must be dealt with now! Ask Tyler he knows... and is good just to listen to my rantings. But, as soon as I do this it isn't but maybe a few days or sometimes a few hours later that I am reminded of how menial my problems are. I think that God is humbling me somewhat and reminding me that there are those who have it much harder...

Just a few things that have kind of made me step back a little is today hearing about a dear friend having to have open-heart surgery this summer. She of all people is someone who gives and gives and never ever complains, but at the same time is always hit with lots of traumatic health issues. Also this past week I learned of a co-worker's niece who passed away at the tender age of 10 after a battle with cancer. My thoughts turn to her parents and family and the pain they are battling now. Also recently I have thought about the millions of people affected by the earthquakes in China. I can't help, but wonder where they are sleeping, what they are eating, or how they will rebuild after such a horrific experience.
Next time I start complaining about things like traffic or mushy bananas I hope I can remind myself that life really isn't all that bad and the good in life will always outweigh the bad and that God will never give us any trial that is too big for us to bare. Even those who are going thru these horrible experiences will get through them and come out on the other side stronger people...I guess you could say I am grateful for my trials, because they make me who I am.


  1. Amen Sister Friend. I totally need to count my blessings. My trials are minimal really. This post was just what I needed to read. You rock girlfriend, I love ya.

  2. Thanks for this post Sara.... It is a good reminder to count our blessings!

  3. Hey girl! Thanks for 'visiting' me. Your comment about your dog had me rolling on the floor. You are so cute! And I will never forgive you if you move out of Riverdale!

    You're right about problems though. I do the same thing. I complain and gripe, but honestly, I wouldn't trade problems with anyone.

    Your blog is way cute; you've done an awesome job!


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