A princess lives at our house...
{Jan 2012}
Her name is Brynlee and she also goes by Sarita Gonzalez...
{Jan 2012}
Who is a stalker of elephants...
{Da-zoo March 2012}
But there are times when her shades conceal this identity...
{Feb 2012}
{Feb 2012}
But not this smile...
{March 2012}
{March 2012}
The person who she likes to refer to as "pushover" can be seen below
{Da-Zoo March 2012}
{Da-Zoo March 2012}
But she is first and foremost a daddy's girl
{Da-zoo March 2012}
{Da-zoo March 2012}
Although it seems like she was just born yesterday
{Da-zoo March 2012}
{Da-zoo March 2012}
She is growing up right before our eyes...and even trying out for the PGA tour...
{March 2012}
{March 2012}
Sorry if this post was really wierd, but it is super late and I just wanted to post some pictures of our sweetheart! We love her so much!!!