Because sometimes I can be a lazy beast....
Anywho...this weekend was a great one. I have been really stressed about random stuff in my life...a new job, a dang hard class, a calling that shouldn't but does stress me out, everything that I want to get done and organized, but can't quite seem to find the time because of previous mentioned stressors. I think that this
weekend was the perfect fix for all of that. I was able to get out with my family and have some fun and forget about the things that really don't matter so much. Ok they do matter, but for the sake of my sanity,...there are much more important things.
I got woken up to Kari calling me on my cell phone. This had to be good or the phone was going in the garbage. Well, she was calling to see if we wanted to go to
Lagoon for $10. Her mother in law was so nice to think of us and we were so excited to load up our girlies to take them. It was Brynlee's first time and it made me so happy to see her so happy and amazed by all the new adventures. What I didn't get was a picture of her cute little scrunchy-faced-cry that she gave us everytime the ride ended. How in the world do you explain to a 2 year old that we have to wait our turn...and sometimes that wait is longer then 20 seconds (especially on frightmares/employee day at Lagoon)...yah, you don't. Anyways it was so fun!!! I've always loved Lagoon,....Ty not so much, but I must say it was so much better experiencing it through a little person named Brynlee.

We went
shopping in Park City. This is something that I THOROUGHLY enjoy. Why? Because I love to shop. Even if I have zilch money. It then becomes the thrill of the chase. We first stopped in Morgan to drop something off at Ty's grandparents. Something about Morgan and the air up there that I just love. I could've stayed there all day and would have been perfectly happy. But on to Park City we went. We stopped at ...not Baja Cantina like usual... We decided to try something new. What?!?!? We heard that The Loco Lizard was delish and so stopped there. It was nummy and I would definitely recommend it. We drove out of Park City a little bit poorer, but got some great deals. Ty found some shoes and work shirts, me a REALLY CUTE coat, and Brynlee some clothes along with these shoes that were very much so...on sale. (Side note. No we didn't listen to conference :( Our usual tradition includes doing things around the house and listening to conference on Saturday. Please don't judge.....) Later on that evening we made a stop to visit Brynlee's Uncle Zach. Yep, I said Uncle....adorable!

Awww! The essence of Conference weekend was captured in this day. No makeup, pjs, relaxation, conference blaring, yummy food, and family love! Absolutely perfect. Listening to the prophet's voices brings such a peace to my life and I look forward to it more then any Sunday. Most of the talks applied directly to me and I am so thankful for the words that I heard and the spirit I came away with. I LOVE the gospel and know that it is what
makes my life so wonderful and allows me to be so happy.