Almost 36 weeks preggo…dun dun dun
This whole experience has raced by. Some days I think I’m ready, and then others I’m pretty sure that I’m not. We had an appointment on last Thursday and are happy that she is not breach anymore. She is a healthy baby with a strong heartbeat. Unfortunately she was not willing to show her adorable little mug for the ultrasound…maybe tomorrow. We feel so blessed!!!! Here are some pics that Annette took for us at 35 weeks.
(I love Ty's face in this one above)
Goodbye Riverdale…Goodbye living across the street from Wal-Mart.
We are moved out of Riverdale and living with Tyler’s Mom. Leaving the 3rd ward in Riverdale was pretty hard, but I know that we have friends forever there and we’re so excited for new adventures. Probably harder then moving out was being asked by the Stake President to bear my testimony after Tyler was released…sobbing through the whole thing…and then sitting down after doing so, and not exactly realizing anything I had just said. Hopefully it all made sense and came out as something I would have wanted to say. It was such a great 5 years there and where Ty & I started our lives together. It will forever hold a special place for us!
5 years and more in love then ever!
Absolutley can't believe we've been married for 5 whole years. We enjoyed a yummy dinner at Outback together and Ty suprised me at work with beautiful flowers. Most of the therapists there still think that I am 19 or something because they had a hard time believing that I was old enough to be having a 5 yr anniversary.
Birthing Class
We took the birthing class at Ogden Regional. Oh boy did we learn a lot!! It was the first time I've seen a movie of a birth, and not gonna lie, I'm a bit scared, but also amazed. I guess you could say that I've heard it all by now, and kinda figure that it is different for every person...Whatever happens happens :)
Older pictures:
Here are some pictures from over a month ago (Feb and March ish): (Bowling balls)
(Teresa & Brandon had their sweet boy Max about 3 weeks ago)
(Our dogs hate us)
(Tyler's paradise)
Ps: I am not scared of the swine flu.